Believe it or not...some passions are kept out of sight. Sometimes out of necessity or a sense of duty, life pulls you in a direction that contradicts your true path and true goals. Such was the case for me and photography. At an early age life took me into the banking world and now after a successful career I'm steering my way back to my passion.
The goal at Limelight Boudoir is to dispel the notion that beauty is only meant for the cover girls. Everyone woman is beautiful and I want to bring that in every session I do in a way that is tasteful, creative and sexy.
The focus of my photography are twofold: One is 50's style pinup. The 50's were the golden age of pin up with the "Queen of Pinups" Bettie Page leading the way. I want recapture those years with odes to the good ol' days mixed in modern way.
My second focus is boudoir photography. Boudoir is just snazzy word for bedroom or dressing room and the genre of the photography was personified by beauties such as Clara Bow, Mae West and Jean Harlow.
When you leave your personalized photography session, I hope you come away with renewed confidence in your beauty and that you had a great time!